Service Agreement
Our clients are very important to us.
Genetic genealogy is a rapidly developing field. Therefore, we strive to keep current with the latest discoveries and to interpret our findings based on this information. We guarantee that our reports will be as extensive and exhaustive as possible, according to scientific advances, as well as client specifications, limitations, and funding.
We appreciate the confidence our clients place in our services and will work diligently on their behalf. We promise to follow professional standards of genealogical research and ethics and to provide our clients with results that reflect those standards.
Thank you for "getting kinnected" with KinXions Genetic Genealogy!
A Service Agreement must be submitted prior to the commencement of services.
Our Policies
Client Reports
Our client report package includes:
Report Plan stating the research objective and outlining the intended courses of action This is usually within the Research Report unless selected as a standalone product after consultation.
Research Log noting dates, goals, results, conflicts, leads, notes, URL’s, citations, and document index numbers will be provided with the research report.
Research Report of findings in detail, including digital documents as correlated by the research log.
Detailed Statements/Invoices including dates and time allocated to specific tasks, as well as status and billing updates.
Previous Research
The client understands that it is vital to provide as much information as possible to avoid duplication of previous research. This includes, but is not limited to; GEDComs, Pedigree Charts, Family Group Sheets, documents, copies of letters, wills, journals, family bible pages, family stories or legends, previous research, previous DNA results, previous DNA reports, etc...
Digital copies are preferred. Please do not send originals!
Our experience enables us to offer services for a wide variety of genealogical interests. However, if we find that we do not have the specific expertise for your needs, we will refer you to a qualified professional who can further assist you. This guarantees that our clients obtain the highest quality service possible.
We will treat with discretion and hold confidential all information provided by you or obtained through research. At no time will sensitive information or information on living persons be shared except within the original report. All findings are strictly confidential and will not be shared with anyone before, during, or after completion of the project without the expressed and written consent of the client.
KinXions shall retain the copyright to all reports and claims the right to further use the results of said research in publication for professional applications, classes, articles, or books unless specifically prohibited. All privacy laws will be complied with as outlined above.
If the client decides to distribute the findings they shall report them accurately, including all qualifiers such as "possible, probable or unproven" and will attribute our work as the source. We will not accept responsibility for the publication of findings that have been tampered with, where qualifiers or explanations have been omitted, or where our work is combined with other researchers and is not specifically and correctly attributed.
The client may make copies and otherwise distribute the report as desired within compliance with the above guidelines.
Financial Agreement
Client projects are funded at $50 per hour with a five-hour minimum ($250). A deposit of 50% is required prior to the commencement of work. The full amount is due upon completion of terms and must be received before the full report is delivered. Funds will be held in KinXions account until the completion of the research goal. Every effort will be made to maximize the efficient use of the client funds. If there are excess funds at the completion of the project, the client will be consulted to determine whether the remainder should be applied to the continuation of work or refunded at the prorated amount. Any changes to fees agreed upon must be approved by both parties in writing.
Project Completion
The research will automatically terminate at the completion of approved projects unless ongoing research is requested. Ongoing research will be suspended when funds are exhausted until further payment. If services are terminated by either party prior to the completion of the current project, a written explanation is requested with the remaining balance or refund due immediately.
It is important that the client understand that they are paying for the research performed and that it is impossible to guarantee that all desired information and resources will be available at the time of their request. We adhere to the highest ethical standards and therefore do not promise that the desired result will be obtained when circumstances beyond our control prevent such an outcome.
Professional genealogists often use examples of research that we have performed for our clientele when we teach classes or write for the genealogical community. However, we never use client-sponsored research without the client's consent. Please review the terms below and indicate your privacy preferences.
If your research is shared, all information on living persons will be redacted and only non-identifying information will be shown. You may withdraw your permission at any time with a written statement to us.
Thank you for considering these privacy permissions and requests.